Sunday, September 14, 2008

My job of photography

Being my latest interest and hobby, I’ve been indulging myself in the world of photography more and more, over the past few months. Reading lessons online, goofing around with my new point-and-shoot camera and playing with some image-processing software.
And it seems that I’m not the only one who enjoys looking at my photos, because I was given a job of taking 1000 (one thousand, in words) photos of Jordan, and mainly Amman, for an Arab stock photography website.
I’ve decided to take the challenge heads on, with my –seemingly under equipped- hardware, and called forth upon –for the sake of software- all my computer skills.
I’ve taken some 150 photos so far, and hopefully I will be done with the majority by the end of Ramadan. And I must say that I like most of the photos that I’ve decided to submit, and can only hope that the other party will be satisfied with all of them.

Here are some low-resolution photos that I will be submitting.
PS: all these photos were taken in downtown Amman around 5 am

Legal note: these images are under the protection of copy-protection, legal authorization, all other legal crap in addition to a couple of voodoo spells that shall descend on those who steal my photos. :P